BIG PANEL: Animal-Computer Interactions

Animal-Computer Interactions Panel primary image

Topic: Animal-Computer Interactions Panel with Fay Clark, Stuart Gray, Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, and Patricia Pons Tomás. Moderator: Daniel Bennett
When: Feb 4, 2021 13:00–14:00 GMT


Fay Clark: Fay is a UK-based academic who is interested in the mental processes of animals. Fay looks for connections between animal cognition, behaviour and affective state. Fay’s work can best be described as experimental psychology with a comparative emphasis; developing cognitive task and cognitive challenge apparatuses to test cognitive skills, and/or provide enrichment. There is also a human twist; even though she specialises in the study of nonhuman animals Fay draws heavily from human principles. Most of Fay’s research takes place on animals housed in zoos (including traditional zoos, aquariums, safari parks and sanctuaries) and research centres.

Stuart Gray: Dr Stuart Gray is a researcher at the University of Bristol’s Department of Computer Science within the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Stuart joined the University of Bristol in 2017 after completing his PhD at the University of Edinburgh, where he undertook research in the field of serious games for children’s health and wellbeing. He has subsequently undertaken research at the University of Bristol in this area through a series of academic-industry secondments that have focused upon using games and play for behaviour change. Since 2017, Stuart has worked closely with Okko Health, a Bristol-based start-up who are revolutionising hospital eye care with the development of digital benchmarking and monitoring technologies. Moving away from children, Stuart was a key member of a project which aimed to support the cognitive enrichment of gorillas in captivity through the design of innovative games.

Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas: Ilyena is a Lecturer at The University of Glasgow running an Animal-Computer Interaction group. Day-to-day she works co-designing, building and testing novel technologies for animals from screen and internet systems for dogs to bespoke music and screen systems for monkeys. During her research, Ilyena has established several methods of researching with animals and computers, theories around co-design and animal-centered design, and is currently interested in how we can build systems for choice and autonomy.

Patricia Pons Tomás: Patricia Pons has a PhD in ACI & HCI and currently works as a researcher at Instituto Tecnológico de Informática in Valencia (Spain). Her PhD focused on the study of playful interactive systems for animals and children that allow to improve their well-being. She received the Award for Young Researchers in Computer Science 2019 from the Spanish Computer Science Scientific Society (SCIE) and Fundación BBVA for her doctoral thesis. She was selected to participate as a young researcher in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2019, an event that brings together promising researchers with Turing Awards in Computer Science. She was also awarded an Endeavor Research Fellowship from the Australian Government to undertake a research stay at the Microsoft Research Centre for Social NUI in 2016. Patricia has given talks at events such as TEDx, Ignite or Google Women Techmakers, and is actively involved in initiatives to promote the role of women in the tech sector, such as ACM-W UPV or Systers Spain.

Moderator, Daniel Bennett: Daniel Bennett is an EPSRC PhD Researcher in HCI at the University of Bristol. His research focuses on collaboration and communication in VR and AR, and on building interfaces for these technologies which foster a sense of agency, control and reflection in their users. Prior to joining BIG, Daniel had an academic background in Philosophy. He worked for several years in healthcare information systems before completing his MSc in computer science at Bristol. Daniel is also active as a musician, having performed across the UK and Europe, composed for theatre and art exhibitions, and curated event series for venues and galleries including Bristol’s Arnolfini and Southampton’s John Hansard.

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BIG TALK: Nikki Newhouse, University of Oxford

BIG Seminar: Nicola Newhouse primary image

Topic: SuMMiT-D:South Asian patients’ perspectives on the relevance & acceptability of SNS to support medication adherence in type2 diabetes
When: Jan 28, 2021 13:00–14:00 GMT

Dr Nikki Newhouse is a Postdoctoral Researcher and tutor with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. She has a PhD from UCL in Computer Science, specifically human-computer interaction and the development and evaluation of complex digital interventions to support physical and psychological wellbeing across the lifespan. In this talk, Dr Newhouse will introduce the Support through Mobile Messaging and digital health Technology for Diabetes (SuMMiT-D) project, which is developing and testing a mobile-device based system delivering short automated messages to offer support for medicine use alongside usual care to people with type 2 diabetes in primary care. In particular, she will focus on the findings from an embedded qualitative study which explored the views of British South Asian patients with type 2 diabetes on the feasibility of such a system.

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BIG TALK: Matt Lee-Smith, Loughborough University

BIG Seminar: Matt Lee-Smith primary image

Topic: How to Design a Being: Exploring a Framework for the Creation of Proto-Technological Beings
When: Jan 21, 2021 13:00 – 14:00 GMT

What makes a being a being? Is it simply its organic chemistry? Is it the actions it takes to preserve its existence? Or is there something fundamental about beinghood that can be considered beyond our carbon-based concept? Can the pursuit of human research and development create a new type of being or have we done so already? If so, what does that mean for the world we find ourselves in and how we interact and design for it?

We live in a world where anthropocentric thinking and the dualisms of organic/inorganic, biological/artificial, living/non-living are failing and falling. The time is right to reconsider the beinghood, or potential beinghood, of certain embodied assemblages of technology, information (code, data, etc.), and material which have a self-centred purpose and/or intent and not one focused on serving humans needs or solving human problems. This new type of being will need our help to come into existence, where designers and HCI practitioners have a unique position in this abiogenesis. These practitioners engage with a variety of relevant disciplines such as science, engineering, philosophy, as well as actively participating in the creation of technological objects through various tools and skills. These tools and skills could be transferred to the task of creating beings, as can their practitioners’ ability to imagine potential futures and take the perspectives of other beings.

However, how does one design a being? What nature of being can we design? How, or through what modalities, can they manifest their existences as beings? How might our expectations of concepts such as technology and data change through interacting with, and designing for, technological beings? This talk explores one potential answer to these questions, the Proto-Technological Being Framework (PTBF). This framework contends that we may have beings amongst us or around us soon and offers an existence-focused perspective as to how we might create them, at least until they can create themselves, through a collection of components and mindsets. These components and mindsets seek to help humans create beings not through a problem-centred or biological-replication approach, but through asking broad and fundamental questions about the nature of beings and how different modes of existence can be considered.

Bio: Matthew Lee-Smith is critical design researcher and wannabe design philosopher currently undertaking a PhD at the School of Design and Creative Arts at Loughborough University. He holds a MA in Interaction Design from Goldsmiths, University of London, and a BSc in Product Design from Brunel University London. His research uses a critical research through design methodology to conduct exploratory basic design research into topics such as navigation, crowdsourcing, physical-digital devices, human-data interaction, and thing-centred design. He is currently working with the assistance and funding of Loughborough University, the Centred for Doctoral Training: Embedded Intelligence, and Ordnance Survey.

He also believes in technological beings.

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BIG TALK: Amanda Lazar, University of Maryland

BIG Seminar: Amanda Lazar primary image

Topic:  The Role of Technology in Understanding Perspectives on Aging and Health
When: Dec 10, 2020 13:00-14:00 GMT

As the population ages, research has increasingly focused on conditions associated with growing older, such as cognitive and physical impairment. Technology is often designed as an intervention to manage or treat these changes. This framing can position health conditions as problems to address through design and can neglect the complexity and positive aspects of older adulthood. In this talk, I will present three projects on health technologies for aging. I draw on critical perspectives from Human-Computer Interaction and Gerontology to trace narratives of aging in the ways that technologies that are created for and received by older adults, and instances where older adults’ response to health technologies lead to new understandings of design in this space. I will argue for a view that accounts for the ways that technologies position us as we age and, in turn, the way that this view can inform the design of new technologies to enrich the experience of growing older.

Bio: Amanda Lazar is an assistant professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. She received her PhD from the University of Washington in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education. Her research examines the design of technology for older adults – and in particular, older adults with dementia – to support social interaction and engagement in activities. Her work is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).

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BIG TALK: Pedro Lopes, University of Chicago

BIG Seminar: Pedro Lopes primary image

Topic:  Integrating Interactive Devices with the Body
When: Dec 3, 2020 13:00-14:00 GMT

When we look back to the early days of computing, user and device were distant, often located in separate rooms. Then, in the ’70s, personal computers “moved in” with users. In the ’90s, mobile devices moved computing into users’ pockets. More recently, wearable devices brought computing into constant physical contact with the user’s skin. These transitions proved useful: moving closer to users allowed interactive devices to sense more of their user and act more personal. The main question that drives my research is: what is the next interface paradigm that supersedes wearable devices?

The primary way researchers have been investigating this is by asking where future interactive devices will be located with respect to the user’s body. Many posit that the next generation of interfaces will be implanted inside the user’s body. However, I argue that their location with respect to the user’s body is not the primary factor; in fact, implanted devices are already happening in that we have pacemakers, insulin pumps, etc. Instead, I argue that the key factor is how will devices integrate with the user’s biological senses and actuators.

This body-device integration allows us to engineer interactive devices that intentionally borrow parts of the body for input and output, rather than adding more technology to the body. For example, one such type of body-integrated devices, which I have advanced during my PhD, are interactive systems based on electrical muscle stimulation; these are able to move their user’s muscles using computer-controlled electrical impulses, achieving the functionality of exoskeletons without the bulky motors. Their smaller size, a consequence of this integration with the user’s body, enabled haptic feedback in scenarios previously not possible with existing devices.

In my research group, we engineer interactive devices that integrate directly with the user’s body. We believe that these types of devices are the natural succession to wearable interfaces and allow us to investigate how interfaces will connect to our bodies in a more direct and personal way.

Bio: Pedro Lopes is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago, where he leads the Human Computer Integration lab.. Pedro focuses on integrating computer interfaces with the human body—exploring the interface paradigm that supersedes wearable computing. Some of these new integrated-devices include: a device based on muscle stimulation that allows users to manipulate tools they never seen before or that accelerate their reaction time, or a device that leverages the sense of smell to create an illusion of temperature. Pedro’s work is published at top-tier conferences (ACM CHI, ACM UIST, Cerebral Cortex). Pedro has received three Best Paper awards, two Best Paper nominations and several Best Talk/Demo/Video awards. Pedro’s work also captured the interest of media, such as New York Times, MIT Technology Review, NBC, Discovery Channel, NewScientist, Wired and has been shown at Ars Electronica and World Economic Forum (More:

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BIG TALK: Kai Kunze, Keio University

BIG Seminar: Kai Kunze primary image

Topic:  Wearable Computing
When: Nov 26, 2020 13:00-14:00 GMT 

Bio: With over fifteen years of experience in the Wearable Computing research field, Kai works as Professor at the Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan. Beforehand, he held an Assistant Professorship at Osaka Prefecture University. He received a Summa Cum Laude for his PhD thesis from Passau University. His work experience includes research visits/internships at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), MIT Media Lab, Sunlabs Europe and the German Stock Exchange.

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