BIG TALK: Nikki Newhouse, University of Oxford

BIG Seminar: Nicola Newhouse primary image

Topic: SuMMiT-D:South Asian patients’ perspectives on the relevance & acceptability of SNS to support medication adherence in type2 diabetes
When: Jan 28, 2021 13:00–14:00 GMT

Dr Nikki Newhouse is a Postdoctoral Researcher and tutor with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. She has a PhD from UCL in Computer Science, specifically human-computer interaction and the development and evaluation of complex digital interventions to support physical and psychological wellbeing across the lifespan. In this talk, Dr Newhouse will introduce the Support through Mobile Messaging and digital health Technology for Diabetes (SuMMiT-D) project, which is developing and testing a mobile-device based system delivering short automated messages to offer support for medicine use alongside usual care to people with type 2 diabetes in primary care. In particular, she will focus on the findings from an embedded qualitative study which explored the views of British South Asian patients with type 2 diabetes on the feasibility of such a system.

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